Once students get to college they are taught to think critically and question everything, But does this include their religious beliefs? In a recent study conducted by UCLA on average 25.4% of college juniors
frequently attend religious services and 37.5%
never attend religious services. These numbers may seem stagering, however, 50.4% of these students also believe that "integrating spirituality in my life is very important" or "essential." Even though attendance has declined at the college level it appears that students have discarded their beliefs.

After spending over five hours in the photo studio I discovered how to light the edges of the glass, while keeping my metal base from losing that metallic shine. because glass is clear and photography uses light to get the glass to appear in the photo the edges of the glass must be lite. With a dark background to keep the edges of the glass bright while not getting a catch light in the glass itself it must be lite from the sides. I used a large soft box (light A1) and I only the the light barely stretch out over the table by keeping most of the light itself below the table. I used to snoots to control the light on the metal itself. Finally I used a Black Card to prevent any additional light fall off on the table from the snoots and that also gave me my shadow on the mid section of the snow globe itself. This shadow keeps the roundness of the object while also giving it contrast. It's just amazing what you can do with light and a little time.
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