Her love is for her Snakes.
The Snake Lady, Connie Koch has been raising and showing snakes for 27 years. She uses the snakes as a teaching tool for by putting on snake programs around Sedalia and central Missouri. Her snake programs have been held at Whiteman Air Force Base, schools and even birthday parties.
Her connection with snakes began with her father on their farm. He told her that black rat snakes would eat the mice that would try to feed on their grain. The black rat snakes could live in the grain bin and eat those mice. He was actually able to put a dollar amount on the snakes for how much they saved him in wasted grain due to mice.
See the video on my site.
Her connection with snakes began with her father on their farm. He told her that black rat snakes would eat the mice that would try to feed on their grain. The black rat snakes could live in the grain bin and eat those mice. He was actually able to put a dollar amount on the snakes for how much they saved him in wasted grain due to mice.
See the video on my site.